With your mercury mouth in the missionary times

And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes

And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes

Oh, who do they think could bury you ?

With your pockets well protected at last

And your streetcar visions which you place on the grass

And your flesh like silk, And you face like glass

Who among them do they think could carry you ?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums

Should I put them by your gate

Oh, sad-eyed lady, should I wait ?

With your sheets like metal and your belt like lace

And your deck of cards missing the jack and the ace

And your basement clothes and your hollow face

Who among them can think he could outguess you ?

With your silhouette when the sunlight dims

Into your eyes where the moonlight swims

And your match-book songs and your gypsy hymns

Who among them would try to impress you ?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums

Should I put them by your gate

Oh, sad-eyed lady, should I wait ?

wrapped - envuelto
would - haría
lowlands -
leave - salir
wished - deseado
impress - impresionar
glass - vaso
hoodlum - matón
hollow - hueco
songs - canciones
flesh - carne
comes - proviene
fingertips - puntas de los dedos
farmers - agricultores
employ - emplear
kings - reyes
accepted - aceptado
chimes - carillones
drugs - drogas
cards - tarjetas
sheet - hoja
sheets - sábanas
cannery - fábrica de conservas
businessmen - empresarios
husband - marido
curfew - toque de queda
gypsy - gitano
carry - llevar
spanish - español
blame - culpa
phony - falso
gentleness - dulzura
could - podría
prophet - profeta
decide - decidir
pockets - bolsillos
prayers - rezo
angels - ángeles
alarm - alarma
hymns - himnos
convict - condenar
false - falso
grass - césped
think - pensar
wants - quiere
which - cual
happen - ocurrir
childhood - infancia
memory - memoria
clothes - ropa
cross - cruzar
basement - sótano
voice - voz
destroy - destruir
where - dónde
manners - modales
match - partido
visions - visiones
medallion - medallón
mercury - mercurio
metal - metal
plugs - enchufes
midnight - medianoche
missing - desaparecido
missionary - misionero
mistake - error
parole - libertad condicional
moonlight - luz de la luna
mouth - boca
among - entre
persuade - persuadir
place - lugar
protected - protegido
geranium - geranio
smoke - fumar
really - de verdad
sympathize - compadecerse
resist - resistir
should - debería
cowboy - vaquero
waiting - esperando
drums - batería
silhouette - silueta
silver - plata
flames - llamas
stand - estar
streetcar - tranvía
sunlight - luz de sol
child - niño
swims - nada
their - su
rhymes - rimas
thief - ladrón
magazine - revista
warehouse - almacén
times - veces
arabian - árabe
tyrus - Tyrus

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