Far away where the soft winds blow
Far away from it all
There is a place you go
Where teardrops fall.
Far away in the stormy night
Far away and over the wall
You are there in the flickering light
Where teardrops fall.
We banged the drum slowly
And played the fife lowly
You know the song in my heart
winds - vientos
where - dónde
violets - violetas
twilight - crepúsculo
toast - brindis
thinking - pensando
there - ahí
teardrops - lágrimas
stormy - Tormentoso
slowly - despacio
sharpen - afilar
times - veces
senses - sentido
roses - rosas
could - podría
turning - torneado
drained - agotado
moonlight - luz de la luna
shadows - oscuridad
banged - golpeado
fireball - bola de fuego
clothes - ropa
light - ligero
start - comienzo
fences - vallas
flickering - parpadeo
crawl - gatear
comes - proviene
night - noche
place - lugar
heart - corazón
lowly - humilde
rivers - ríos
kindness - amabilidad
blindness - ceguera
linger - persistir
beginning - comenzando
might - podría
played - jugó
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