Sing the wondrous love of Jesus;

Sing his mercy and his grace.

In the mansions bright and blessed

He'll prepare for us a place.

While we walk the pilgrim pathway

Clouds will overspread the sky

But when travlin days are over

wondrous - maravilloso
victory - victoria
streets - calles
shout - gritar
shall - deberá
heaven - cielo
while - mientras
rejoicing - alegría
jesus - Jesús
grace - gracia
shadow - sombra
bright - brillante
gates - puertas
mercy - misericordia
beauty - belleza
prize - premio
clouds - nubes
before - antes de
pearly - nacarado
blessed - bendito
prepare - preparar
mansions - mansiones
onward - adelante
refrain - estribillo
tread - huella
pathway - camino
pilgrim - peregrino
behold - mirad
place - lugar

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