So now we have gathered, with mead in our veins

We drink and we gamble we're screaming your names

Filling our horns for the gods and their reign

We're warriors of Valhalla, we'll rise again

The tavern is shaking, the barrels are drained

We're Brothers of metal

We're fucking we're fighting, we bleed

And we're never gonna fail before the sons of Odin

All hail gods of war


All hail gods of war

Hail my brother

would - haría
valkyries - valquirias
their - su
tavern - taberna
suffer - sufrir
shaking - sacudida
screaming - gritando
reign - reinado
names - nombres
metal - metal
living - vivo
joining - unión
horns - cuerna
warriors - guerreros
brothers - hermanos
drink - beber
veins - venas
pleased - satisfecho
every - jeder
again - de nuevo
bleed - sangrar
barrels - barriles
feast - banquete
drained - agotado
before - antes de
battle - batalla
deceased - fallecido
fucking - maldito
valhalla - valhalla
beast - bestia
feeds - alimenta
arrive - llegar
fighting - lucha
never - nunca
brought - trajo
gathered - reunido
filling - relleno
brother - hermano
gonna - va a
gamble - jugar

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