Brother to brother
Now we must join our hearts and hands
Yeah, if we love one another
We hold the key to the promised land
Think of all that we've been through
The shucks and jives and royal blues
Let us pray our time will come
When this world will live as one
Brother to brother
wrong - incorrecto
world - mundo
whole - todo
where - dónde
shucks - shucks
royal - real
common - común
jives - jives
another - otro
lines - líneas
think - pensar
ground - suelo
devil - diablo
round - redondo
butter - mantequilla
promised - prometido
brother - hermano
blues - blues
break - descanso
children - niños
fathers - padres
makes - hace
bread - pan de molde
hands - manos
lives - vive
through - mediante
mothers - madres
drawn - dibujado
hearts - copas
peace - paz
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