I know you know

Let the life come back and force through my veins

It goes, it goes

Through the protons, neutrons securing the frame

Say yes say no

It's a matter of me forcing the praise

Put on the new

Woman, man, and child who are breaking the braces

The catacombs

And revolving doors inside of my brain

Preachers and whores

And the neon pulpits burst into flames

I come from both

Sides of me and either side of their tracks

Humbling my ghosts

Let the life that floods my veins bring me back

The unshackling of the chains on my wrists

The loyalty to pain that resists

And the greatest books are talking 'bout this

Why must everybody die to exist?

sides - lados
waiting - esperando
veins - venas
should - debería
securing - asegurando
saints - santos
burst - ráfaga
child - niño
undone - deshecho
doors - puertas
filling - relleno
protons - protones
chains - cadenas
their - su
exist - existe
whores - putas
catacombs - catacumbas
demons - demonios
through - mediante
seeking - buscando
bring - traer
braver - valiente
cause - porque
flames - llamas
ahead - adelante
talking - hablando
about - acerca de
wrists - muñecas
breaking - rotura
books - libros
brain - cerebro
either - ya sea
braces - tirantes
force - fuerza
neutrons - neutrones
forced - forzado
frame - marco
resists - кокосовое nutties.
everybody - todos
ghosts - fantasmas
greatest - mayor
passages - pasajes
hallelujah - aleluya
preachers - predicadores
revolving - giratorio
brave - valiente
hands - manos
woman - Mujer
floods - inundaciones
hello - hola
humbling - humilde
light - ligero
inside - dentro
loyalty - lealtad
forcing - forzando
matter - importar
praise - alabanza
tracks - pistas
raised - elevado
power - poder
ready - listo

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