There's a moment when you're taking it in
And the audience around you wants to see where you been
That's the time when you realize that time's run out
Slight delirium and hints of some teeth
Amnesia only works if you keep it discreet
Something tells me this house won't unpack itself
The longer I'm away from you, the more I can't wait
Just to dance in your ashes and to spit on your grave
The moral of the story is: don't be surprised
When you're burning on the other side
Burning on the other side
Burning on the other side
wrong - incorrecto
works - trabajos
words - palabras
where - dónde
wants - quiere
unpack - deshacer
tells - dice
slight - leve
simply - simplemente
right - derecho
other - otro
ridiculous - ridículo
moral - moral
something - alguna cosa
benign - benigno
belligerent - beligerante
twisting - retortijón
become - volverse
dance - baile
moment - momento
imply - implicar
audience - audiencia
surprised - sorprendido
amnesia - amnesia
teeth - dientes
along - a lo largo
until - hasta
ashes - despojos mortales
around - alrededor
bitter - amargo
house - casa
realize - darse cuenta de
discreet - discreto
burning - ardiente
hints - consejos
story - historia
enjoy - disfrutar
taking - tomando
grave - tumba
itself - sí mismo
knives - cuchillos
delirium - delirio
longer - más
looking - mirando
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