Woo ah, mercy mercy me

Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no

Where did all the blue skies go?

Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east

Woo mercy, mercy me, mercy father

Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no

Oil wasted on the ocean and upon our seas, fish full of mercury

wasted - vano
mercury - mercurio
skies - cielo
blows - golpes
stand - estar
dying - moribundo
about - acerca de
ocean - oceano
animals - animales
abuse - abuso
north - norte
where - dónde
father - padre
south - sur
mercy - misericordia
birds - aves
nearby - cerca
under - debajo
overcrowded - superpoblado
radiation - radiación
sweet - dulce
ground - suelo
poison - veneno
things - cosas

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