Truth may one day smile
Now I think scorn to sigh
You fear by pale-white shown
Heavy spellcraft grown...
All pride is welkin's pride
and so is Your?
I have the power to cut
My will still wills!
My eyes shall be the stream
Visional floating scream
within - dentro
wills - voluntades
white - blanco
truth - verdad
smile - sonreír
shown - mostrado
shall - deberá
serves - sirve
scream - gritar
floating - flotante
fight - lucha
before - antes de
dagger - daga
mightiest - más poderoso
coldly - fríamente
about - acerca de
befall - acontecer
breathed - respirado
secret - secreto
grace - gracia
heavy - pesado
still - todavía
scorn - desdén
fallen - caído
might - podría
grown - crecido
heaven - cielo
stream - corriente
pride - orgullo
think - pensar
light - ligero
lusty - fuerte
looked - mirado
never - nunca
gates - puertas
power - poder
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