(píseň nazpívaná pro PC hru "Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines)

In the violent silence

Of a dream within a dream

You fill my soul with beauty

You're my shiny man machine

I'm sinking in the roses

Falling down to fade away

The velvet blade of apathy

Makes the crush so bittersweet


And I, I could have died last night

But I heard the voice of a smaller god

And I, I could have died last night

But I heard the voice of a smaller god

voice - voz
vampire - vampiro
trying - molesto
speak - hablar
smaller - menor
silence - silencio
shiny - brillante
violent - violento
swimming - nadando
searching - buscando
sinking - hundimiento
roses - rosas
ocean - oceano
morning - mañana
masquerade - mascarada
blade - espada
bittersweet - agridulce
beauty - belleza
apathy - apatía
broken - roto
bloodlines - родословных
chorus - coro
dream - sueño
learn - aprender
light - ligero
again - de nuevo
night - noche
makes - hace
drowning - ahogo
evening - noche
afraid - asustado
aches - dolores
could - podría
velvet - terciopelo
crush - aplastar
absence - ausencia
falling - que cae
hallways - pasillos
within - dentro
stars - estrellas
heard - oído
presence - presencia
machine - máquina

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