Only the plants without eyes survived

I lost you among them

Alone I am stepping through a path full of missed thorns

Only I can carry the flag of people's sorrows

If only nobody crosses the border of madness and life

Since not only I am the life,

For beyond there are also pain and faith

No one can think for us

We were in the garden full of figures

Made of glass, they were melting our hands in springs

I wanted to be among the men

But I saw them rotten plants without eyes

wanted - querido
thorns - espinas
without - sin
think - pensar
there - ahí
tears - lágrimas
taste - gusto
survived - sobrevivió
stopped - detenido
glass - vaso
fountains - fuentes
blissful - feliz
carry - llevar
despair - desesperación
sorrow - dolor
memories - recuerdos
crossroads - encrucijada
stepping - caminando
rotten - podrido
among - entre
alone - solo
grapes - uvas
light - ligero
faith - fe
hands - manos
through - mediante
dreams - sueños
beyond - más allá
clean - limpiar
springs - muelles
black - negro
about - acerca de
border - frontera
coloured - de colores
lying - acostado
madness - locura
surface - superficie
makes - hace
officious - oficioso
forget - olvidar
falling - que cae
rains - lluvias
garden - jardín
missed - perdido
figures - figuras
plants - plantas
shadow - sombra
sorrows - dolores
crosses - cruces
nobody - nadie
passion - pasión
melting - derritiendo
seemed - parecía
since - ya que
spoiled - estropeado
starry - estrellado
stoped - Parado

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