Dressed in rags
You're scoopin' litter from the cats
I thought we had someone for that
But by the looks of things you fired the maid again
Yeah I confess
I know that floor won't clean itself
And you're worried half to death
About the things that just won't matter in the end
Take off those shoes
Looks like you could really use a glass slipper
Yeah I know it's been a pisser
So one strong sipper might suffice
Come on girl, I'm beggin' please
Get off your knees, I got the keys
And I'll pick you up at midnight
In my souped-up pumpkin ride
'Cause you're my Cinderella
We're two birds of a feather
I'll even sing to you acapella
You're so hella good looking tonight
My Cinderella
Whenever you need some shelter
We can stand under my umbrella
Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you
Oh, I know it's forever with you
Don't watch the clock,
I paid some dude to make it stop
wrote - escribió
watch - reloj
wanna - quiere
under - debajo
truth - verdad
tomorrow - mañana
until - hasta
together - juntos
thought - pensamiento
those - aquellos
things - cosas
there - ahí
teller - cajero
still - todavía
stars - estrellas
squint - estrabismo
souped - souped
sorrow - dolor
someone - alguien
slipper - zapatilla
enough - Suficiente
yellow - amarillo
stretch - tramo
floor - piso
hella - hella
looking - mirando
strong - fuerte
forever - siempre
fella - amigo
feather - pluma
cinderella - Cenicienta
about - acerca de
whenever - cuando
dressed - vestido
stand - estar
breath - aliento
worry - preocupación
death - muerte
worried - preocupado
gotta - tengo que
kinda - un poco
number - número
again - de nuevo
might - podría
umbrella - paraguas
shelter - abrigo
suffice - satisfacer
confess - confesar
cause - porque
could - podría
looks - mira
spell - deletrear
pumpkin - calabaza
birds - aves
litter - camada
fairy - hada
certain - cierto
clean - limpiar
tonight - esta noche
clock - reloj
matter - importar
fired - despedido
fortune - fortuna
little - pequeño
check - comprobar
itself - sí mismo
glass - vaso
knees - rodillas
please - por favor
midnight - medianoche
picked - escogido
scratched - rayado
maybe - tal vez
pisser - pisser
really - de verdad
reminds - recuerda
shoes - zapatos
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