Paint the streets in white!
Death is the standard
Breach for a complex prize!
I think it's sweet of you
And your parents are proud...
But I would expect it from anyone
Now to protect life's indigenous sound!
Worship! Play, Play x 3
Worship! Play! Worship! Play
Worship! Worship!
Worship! Play, Play x 3
Worship! Play! Worship! Worship!
How the streets they swell!
While the animals make their way through the crowds!
would - haría
while - mientras
through - mediante
think - pensar
their - su
swell - hinchar
streets - calles
standard - estándar
sound - sonar
smile - sonreír
white - blanco
trust - confianza
quicker - más rápido
quick - rápido
crowd - multitud
seasick - mareado
protect - proteger
every - jeder
animals - animales
paint - pintar
click - hacer clic
complex - complejo
makes - hace
breach - incumplimiento
sweet - dulce
prize - premio
proud - orgulloso
worship - rendir culto
camera - cámara
death - muerte
everyone - todo el mundo
faint - débil
crowds - multitudes
miles - millas
anyone - nadie
expect - esperar
indigenous - indígena
ticks - garrapatas
parents - padres
listening - escuchando
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