When I've had enough, when I've heard enough from police and pretenders

When I'm ready for my whole world to open up and surrender

I'll look for you, I will be searching the garden and the street

I will look into the eyes of everyone I meet

And when I finally find you, will I know?

Fluorescent half dome, fluorescent half dome, fluorescent half dome

world - mundo
surrender - rendición
street - calle
sphinx - esfinge
smiling - sonriente
shimmering - reluciente
searching - buscando
enough - Suficiente
everyone - todo el mundo
eternal - eterno
garden - jardín
cross - cruzar
crowd - multitud
beyond - más allá
finally - finalmente
needles - agujas
disguise - disfraz
birds - aves
fluorescent - fluorescente
whole - todo
glancing - mirando
glisten - relucir
conceived - concebido
ready - listo
heard - oído
sneering - burlador y despreciativo
removed - remoto
infinity - infinito
pretenders - pretendientes
police - policía
proud - orgulloso

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