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Dolly Parton - J.J. Sneed traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

J.J. Sneed - Dolly Parton

palabras a estudiar

At last I have caught up with you and you're a sight to see

Could this really be my outlaw lover J.J. Sneed

Could a woman with a painted face and pretty sweet disguise

Turn your heart against me with her evil cunning eyes, her evil cunning eyes

J.J. it's been you and me right from the very start

And every job we ever pulled, I'd always done my part

We agreed we'd stick together until the bitter end

And it was my understanding we were whole lots more than friends

A whole lot more than friends

And it was me that kept you on when nights were dark and cold

But I guess I didn't look like much in these old ragged clothes

But you said it didn't matter cause you love me