No light finds me

Perish like the setting sun

No truth defies me

Unburdened like the fallen one

I'd give you my love

But it's freezing cold

My lips ever sealed

And the things I have done

Are slowly growing old,

Yet dying to be healed

No heart guides me

Frozen in the depths below

No fear leaves me

I'm haunted by a distant soul

She gives me her voice

She gives me her soul

where - dónde
understand - entender
finds - encuentra
dying - moribundo
angel - ángel
feared - temido
farewell - despedida
fallen - caído
depths - lo más hondo
skies - cielo
decay - decaer
below - abajo
already - ya
coming - viniendo
flight - vuelo
perish - perecer
growing - creciente
breaks - descansos
sealed - sellado
carelessly - descuidadamente
frozen - congelado
defies - desafía
child - niño
these - estas
distant - distante
demons - demonios
circle - circulo
gives - da
heart - corazón
sight - visión
guides - guías
heavens - cielos
healed - curado
leaves - hojas
unburdened - sin carga
haunted - obsesionado
things - cosas
living - vivo
truth - verdad
marks - marcas
freezing - congelación
breathe - respirar
night - noche
remains - permanece
light - ligero
setting - ajuste
slowly - despacio
voice - voz
under - debajo

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