On my naked back

A dance of the nocturnal sun

The tall grass crawls around me;

In adoration bowing

Can I find you in your dark?

Can you find me in your heart?

There's a fallen statue in the wilderness

It has found its way to your dreams

Haunting the waking hours

In nights' color with eyes like rain

The shades beseech you

My love increases you

And summer freezes you into me...

within - dentro
heart - corazón
haunting - obsesionante
freezes - se congela
shades - sombras
waking - despertar
found - encontró
summer - verano
forever - siempre
naked - desnudo
fallen - caído
increases - aumenta
stars - estrellas
peace - paz
hours - horas
color - color
around - alrededor
lover - amante
bowing - reverencia
collect - recoger
lifeless - sin vida
adoration - adoración
blistering - abrasador
suits - trajes
haunt - guarida
myself - mí mismo
everything - todo
nocturnal - nocturno
dance - baile
keeping - acuerdo
where - dónde
mountain - montaña
grass - césped
purest - el más puro
reach - alcanzar
crawls - rastrea
realize - darse cuenta de
sadness - tristeza
raise - aumento
statue - estatua
dreams - sueños
beyond - más allá
through - mediante
tortured - torturado
beseech - implorar
tried - intentó
wilderness - desierto

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