Where is the world I saw in your eyes?

It lived through the night, then whispered goodbye.

The cuts on your skin and the red in my eyes.

This winter inside is crushing me now.

I am alone, I am scorn,

I can't remember to forget you,

I just weather the storm."

The love that I had, it drowned with the tide, stirring the waters where hearts lay bare.

The cuts on your skin and the red in your eyes

Enfolding this shame into despair.

Drift like a cloud and flow like water.

Seeing that all life is a magnificent illusion,

A playing of energy,

And there is absolutely nothing fundamentally to be afraid of.


world - mundo
whispered - susurrado
whisper - susurro
where - dónde
weather - clima
waters - aguas
these - estas
there - ahí
still - todavía
slowly - despacio
enough - Suficiente
energy - energía
winter - invierno
despair - desesperación
illusion - espejismo
drift - Deriva
alive - viva
cosmic - cósmico
after - después
circumstance - circunstancia
flesh - carne
goodbye - adiós
transcending - trascendiendo
alone - solo
another - otro
reflected - reflejado
black - negro
absolutely - absolutamente
demons - demonios
crushing - aplastante
belong - pertenecer a
remember - recuerda
break - descanso
nothing - nada
stirring - emocionante
forget - olvidar
magnificent - magnífico
through - mediante
fundamentally - fundamentalmente
longs - pantalones largos
getting - consiguiendo
hearts - copas
lived - vivió
cloud - nube
mirror - espejo
afraid - asustado
never - nunca
water - agua
surface - superficie
cripples - tullidos
night - noche
watch - reloj
inside - dentro
noose - lazo
spirit - espíritu
drowned - ahogue
playing - jugando
deception - engaño
putting - poniendo
storm - tormenta
carry - llevar
scorn - desdén
seeing - viendo
necks - cuellos
shame - vergüenza

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