As we walk through the

Corridor of creation

We see lands divide

Nation against nation

Like comets they collide

And we pray

We pray for the unseen

To be seen by the eyes of man

When heaven and earth are hand in hand

Thy will be done


get set for damage

Prepare the soul

To control and manage

Cut the groove

Make it rough like a chainsaw

Inject a beat eat meat like carnivore

Trumpets sound

And wrath pours down

Angels dance to the new groove in town

Clouds part

wanna - quiere
vision - visión
unseen - invisible
tribes - tribus
touch - toque
earth - tierra
divide - dividir
collide - chocar
dance - baile
creation - creación
damage - dañar
through - mediante
heaven - cielo
everlasting - eterno
knows - sabe
count - contar
angels - ángeles
blasting - voladura
against - en contra
believe - creer
experience - experiencia
dancing - bailando
tender - oferta
mount - montar
pours - vierte
gotta - tengo que
cosmos - cosmos
control - controlar
chainsaw - motosierra
boundary - límite
clouds - nubes
lands - tierras
gonna - va a
planets - planetas
inject - inyectar
trumpets - trompetas
manage - gestionar
spiritual - espiritual
nation - nación
wrath - ira
exodus - éxodo
opens - abre
place - lugar
corridor - corredor
prepare - preparar
comets - cometas
groove - ranura
sound - sonar
final - final
receive - recibir
carnivore - carnívoro
music - música
silence - silencio
rough - áspero
surrender - rendición

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