I see an angel, fed up and pale

You've been a sleeper

You have been getting stale my friend

Time to leave the vale again

Back on the runway you accerlate

Get out of the tight spot and fly

Take your chance tonight

I'll give you a ride tonight

And as the sun is gonna rise

I gonna make you come alive

You can fly, reach for the sky

It's the rise of the morning glory

tight - apretado
stale - duro
shout - gritar
scream - gritar
sleeper - durmiente
runway - pista
dreams - sueños
leave - salir
break - descanso
morning - mañana
everyday - cada día
bastion - bastión
waste - residuos
magic - magia
understand - entender
better - mejor
again - de nuevo
angel - ángel
tonight - esta noche
chance - oportunidad
alive - viva
never - nunca
wounding - hiriente
friend - amigo
witness - testigo
passion - pasión
about - acerca de
quicken - acelerar
getting - consiguiendo
glory - gloria
gonna - va a
pride - orgullo
there - ahí
reach - alcanzar

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