Say what you will but I'm a stinker

I come crawling up out of my hole

Dirt in my toes, dirt up my nose

I'm a perfect curse to pest control

Seeds and weeds and muddy meals

Crawling around the earth

Down in the ground where the sun don't pound

I hibernate in English turf

weeds - malas hierbas
vermin - alimañas
styles - estilos
stinker - canalla
sitting - sentado
shoot - disparar
rodent - roedor
reason - razón
seeds - semillas
pound - libra
perfect - perfecto
crawling - rastreo
mother - madre
control - controlar
beady - de forma de abalorio
hibernate - hibernar
meals - comidas
muddy - fangoso
stink - hedor
better - mejor
connections - conexiones
burning - ardiente
sound - sonar
common - común
spades - espadas
acting - interino
underground - subterráneo
believe - creer
curse - maldición
sauntered - paseado
around - alrededor
cutey -
where - dónde
earth - tierra
watch - reloj
think - pensar
english - inglés
ground - suelo
honey - miel
hound - sabueso
living - vivo

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