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Ensiferum - Cold Northland (Väinämöinen Part III) traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Cold Northland (Väinämöinen Part III) - Ensiferum

palabras a estudiar

Oh, cold Northland

Hear the cry of your children

For the plague corrupts this land

Heed the wordsofenlightenment

Ungrateful deceiver

Corruptive lies-feeder

Bornfrom the abomination

Self-righteous life drainer

I seeright through you

The words of poisonous hope

Your greed destroys theworld

Youcan'tfool me, I'llfight till Ifall!

I will leave with a heavy heart

The land of snow and the Northern Star

May the song of the old

Lead you until I return back home

Sons of the North, hear my call

Rise and fight!

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