Where to find the truth?

Questions linger through time

Unbreakable will and inquiring mind

Have always been the seeker's guide

The Reason as my sword

The Knowledge as my shield

I'll face my foes again and again

On the ancient battlefield

I can't deny what I've seen

So towards the great unknown

I must keep going on

Stop your quest

Or with fire you'll be cleansed



Woe to the faith

Trough dark centuries

The wait for the time

When all is revealed


Stands trough time

Dwells the proof of life

Eternal Earth of mine

Cleanse our souls

No good thoughts shall burn

Engulf the passion of life

Eternal Fire of mine

Carry it on

The ancient wisdom

For the mankind

Eternal Air of mine

yourself - tú mismo
wisdom - sabiduría
guide - guía
greatest - mayor
flame - llama
space - espacio
going - yendo
cleansed - limpiado
mankind - humanidad
force - fuerza
passion - pasión
comes - proviene
heart - corazón
faith - fe
every - jeder
dwells - mora
because - porque
eternal - eterno
where - dónde
great - estupendo
reason - razón
twisted - retorcido
innocent - inocente
power - poder
confess - confesar
destination - destino
trusted - confiable
aware - consciente
centuries - siglos
again - de nuevo
unstoppable - imparable
engulf - sumergir
beliefs - creencias
unbreakable - irrompible
before - antes de
shield - proteger
battlefield - campo de batalla
trough - canal
afraid - asustado
never - nunca
gatekeeper - portero
arises - surge
deceived - engañado
death - muerte
always - siempre
within - dentro
carry - llevar
burns - quemaduras
thoughts - pensamientos
change - cambio
embrace - abrazo
water - agua
ancient - antiguo
search - buscar
cleanse - limpiar
inquiring - preguntando
graves - tumbas
daughters - hijas
earth - tierra
sheep - oveja
skies - cielo
knowledge - conocimiento
linger - persistir
merged - fusionado
passed - pasado
revealed - revelado
passing - paso
someone - alguien
patience - paciencia
possibility - posibilidad
proof - prueba
light - ligero
sword - espada
easier - más fácil
towards - hacia
horizon - horizonte
quest - búsqueda
secrets - misterios
question - pregunta
curse - maldición
questions - preguntas
reach - alcanzar
flesh - carne
refuse - desperdicios
stands - stands
remains - permanece
sentient - sensible
words - palabras
calling - vocación
shame - vergüenza
shall - deberá
slave - esclavo
souls - almas
truth - verdad
illuminate - iluminar
their - su
through - mediante
torch - antorcha
renew - renovar
trust - confianza

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