The Land Is Silent... Before The Storm!
On the vast fields of snow, the wind is blowing strong
With its frozen cold and relentless touch
it leaves a dead and hollow land of ice
I have seen through the eyes of a wolf
and felt all its pain and loneliness
The beautiful land opened before my eyes
wild as a beast I ran into the night
The Calling Of The Howling Wind
Is Raging In The Realms Of North
Creations Of Ice Rising Mighty Into The Skies
And Treacherous Gods Shall Fall
Watching through the falling snow
there's no sign of life
witness - testigo
whirl - giro
treacherous - traicionero
touch - toque
thunder - trueno
through - mediante
flows - flujos
raging - furioso
climb - escalada
creations - creaciones
calls - llamadas
about - acerca de
beautiful - hermosa
getting - consiguiendo
loneliness - soledad
mountain - montaña
frozen - congelado
beast - bestia
again - de nuevo
blowing - soplo
essence - esencia
souls - almas
crushed - aplastada
relentless - implacable
highest - más alto
brought - trajo
watching - acecho
never - nunca
before - antes de
falling - que cae
strong - fuerte
fields - campos
behold - mirad
birth - nacimiento
streams - arroyos
blood - sangre
honor - honor
howling - clamoroso
mighty - poderoso
storm - tormenta
leaves - hojas
hollow - hueco
opened - abrió
their - su
misfortune - desgracia
night - noche
north - norte
calling - vocación
realms - reinos
rising - creciente
shall - deberá
silent - silencio
skies - cielo
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