Said her name was Marie

From the banks of the Lee

With the prettiest eyes my own had ever seen

Her hair like ripples

They danced with the tide

As our hearts washed away to the sea

Was she sent down from the heavens above

Her breath pure as whiskey my heart fell in love

Now the devil is courtin' a different tune

And I laugh as the tears was the rain

Tell me why no one`s listenin'

Is there nothing at all left to say

In a world so unforgiving

You mean more to me each every day

So may the living be dead in our wake

One cold winters night behind the clouds stars did hide

And the ghost of our souls thanking Christ

we`re alive

Our spirits they crackled with lovers first sight

world - mundo
winters - inviernos
wings - alas
whiskey - whisky
where - dónde
valleys - valles
unforgiving - implacable
there - ahí
thanking - agradeciendo
tears - lágrimas
summer - verano
strength - fuerza
storm - tormenta
first - primero
aching - dolor
devil - diablo
banks - bancos
gales - vendaval
crackled - crepitó
frown - fruncir el ceño
apart - aparte
clown - payaso
ripples - ondulaciones
fresh - fresco
clouds - nubes
alive - viva
hills - colinas
emptiness - vacío
laugh - risa
ghost - fantasma
sound - sonar
dance - baile
child - niño
christ - Cristo
danced - danzado
ripped - rasgado
yesterdays -
beating - paliza
howling - clamoroso
every - jeder
breath - aliento
behind - detrás
heart - corazón
sight - visión
washed - lavado
hearts - copas
heavens - cielos
stars - estrellas
leaves - hojas
above - encima
living - vivo
lovers - amantes
nothing - nada
marie - marie
night - noche
different - diferente
prettiest - el más bonito
shadows - oscuridad
melting - derritiendo
souls - almas
spirits - espíritu

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