Now I`m aimin' for heaven

But probably wind up down in hell

Where upon this alter I will hang my guilt ridden head

But it`s time I`ll take before I begin

Three sheets to the wind, Three sheets to the wind

Rebels are we, though heavy our hearts shall always be

Ah, no ball or chain no prison shall keep

We`re the rebels of the sacred heart

I said no ball or chain no prison shall keep

We`re the rebels of the sacred heart

Terrified of the open road

Yeah, where it leads ya never know

But rest assured he`ll be on you back

Yeah, the Holy Ghost through his tounges in black

As th band dog howls and the young girl cries

The blessed virgin in her proud dad`s eye

The albatross hangin' round your neck

Is the cross you bare for your sins he bleeds

though - aunque
three - tres
those - aquellos
there - ahí
story - historia
sinned - pecado
sheets - sábanas
shall - deberá
round - redondo
fence - cerca
before - antes de
prayer - oración
cross - cruzar
cause - porque
where - dónde
built - construido
always - siempre
bread - pan de molde
bleeds - sangra
black - negro
through - mediante
heaven - cielo
beyond - más allá
virgin - virgen
prison - prisión
things - cosas
everyday - cada día
alter - alterar
albatross - albatros
sacred - sagrado
begin - empezar
cries - llantos
assured - seguro
young - joven
leads - conduce
never - nunca
barbed - mordaz
howls - aúlla
behind - detrás
better - mejor
forget - olvidar
saved - salvado
blessed - bendito
ghost - fantasma
northern - del norte
again - de nuevo
father - padre
sailed - navegado
guilt - culpa
probably - probablemente
hearts - copas
terrified - aterrorizado
heavy - pesado
bless - bendecir
ridden - montado
chain - cadena
kneel - arrodillarse
pence - peniques
night - noche
protection - proteccion
refugees - refugiados
heart - corazón
proud - orgulloso
rebels - rebeldes

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