Raised on songs and stories, heroes of renown

The passing tales and glories that once was Dublin Town

The hallowed halls and houses, the haunting childrens rhymes

That once was part of Dublin in the rare ould times

Ring a ring a rosey, as the light declines

I remember Dublin City in the rare ould times

My name it is Sean Dempsey, as Dublin as can be

Born hard and late in Pimlico, in a house that ceased to be

By trade I was a cooper, lost out to redundancy

Like my house that fell to progress, my trade's a memory

And I courted Peggy Dignam, as pretty as you please

A rogue and child of Mary, from the rebel Liberties

watch - reloj
unyielding - inflexible
times - veces
sweet - dulce
songs - canciones
since - ya que
royal - real
rogue - pícaro
rhymes - rimas
remember - recuerda
glories - glorias
years - años
hallowed - santificado
declines - declina
trade - comercio
dempsey - dempsey
black - negro
dublin - Dublín
concrete - hormigón
stories - cuentos
chimes - carillones
passing - paso
student - estudiante
glass - vaso
cooper - cobre
brain - cerebro
birmingham - birmingham
cages - jaulas
renown - renombre
rebel - rebelde
please - por favor
child - niño
ceased - cesado
changing - cambiando
halls - pasillos
keeps - mantiene
house - casa
houses - casas
liberties - libertades
progress - progreso
haunting - obsesionante
liffey - liffey
light - ligero
peggy - peggy
longer - más
spring - primavera
courted - cortejado
makes - hace
along - a lo largo
heroes - héroes
memories - recuerdos
tales - cuentos
memory - memoria
nothing - nada
childrens - para niños
bitter - amargo
cause - porque
pillar - pilar
seems - parece
pulled - tirado
gargle - gárgaras
pretty - bonita
raised - elevado
redundancy - redundancia

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