Send in a dollar

Send in a dollar if you want to contribute to the American Health Association

Well, the capitalistic feast has been sucking the heat

You're passing up, you're injured for ability

Well, I've been waiting for a compromise but I guess it's more the same

We're separated all the things that we want for gain

You remember your name

Well, they were looking right at you, you forget the face

If the future's sipping all space and food through a straw

And the monster's finally flipped on its back

Well, the static is a worthy test to help you brush aside the rest

worthy - digno
waiting - esperando
think - pensar
things - cosas
sucking - succión
something - alguna cosa
sleeping - dormido
separated - apartado
everything - todo
eating - comiendo
enough - Suficiente
convince - convencer
sipping - bebiendo
afraid - asustado
couple - pareja
junkies - adictos
dollar - dólar
capitalistic - capitalista
contribute - contribuir
association - asociación
space - espacio
ghost - fantasma
choice - elección
aside - aparte
accosted - abordado
street - calle
afloat - a flote
american - americano
ability - capacidad
static - estático
smile - sonreír
names - nombres
feast - banquete
brush - cepillo
backward - hacia atrás
elite - élite
being - siendo
biting - mordaz
fight - lucha
finally - finalmente
magazine - revista
flipped - volteado
fodder - forraje
through - mediante
minute - minuto
thinking - pensando
folks - gente
jokes - chistes
forget - olvidar
global - global
health - salud
injured - lesionado
taken - tomado
straw - paja
guess - adivinar
looking - mirando
scared - asustado
compromise - compromiso
noise - ruido
passing - paso
politicians - políticos
remember - recuerda
right - derecho

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