Come away come away with the traveling show

Come away with the raggle taggle gypsy oh!

We'll raggle-taggle here we'll raggle-taggle there,

Raggle up and down taggle everywhere.

From the North from the South from the East from the West,

Well the sky is our roof and the road is our rest.

No one to say 'yes', no one to say 'no'.

Run free with the raggle-taggle gypsy oh!

They locked you in a tower and threw away

The key but this tower's

No match for a wag like me

I'll be sneaking through your gate

I'll be peaking round the corner

Well I've come to take your daughter,

Don't you say I didn't warn ya.

I'll be bringing you a fiddle I'll be singing you a song we'll fiddle,

Sing, sing, fiddle all day long.

In the halls and the walls they will her us sing and say

"whack fol the diddle diddle die diddle day"


wooded - boisé
window - ventana
whack - golpear
water - agua
valleys - valles
trees - árboles
treasure - tesoro
threw - arrojó
spiders - arañas
gypsy - gitano
garden - jardín
fiddle - violín
behind - detrás
tapping - tocando
everywhere - en todos lados
diddle - estafar
floor - piso
round - redondo
happy - contento
bringing - trayendo
traveling - de viaje
britches - britches
through - mediante
dreams - sueños
south - sur
feather - pluma
streams - arroyos
corner - esquina
acrobats - acróbatas
stars - estrellas
never - nunca
every - jeder
locked - bloqueado
penny - centavo
walls - muros
rendezvous - cita
chorus - coro
tippy - tippy
butterfly - mariposa
creature - criatura
father - padre
halls - pasillos
leave - salir
match - partido
cutting - corte
heavens - cielos
running - corriendo
hooting - ululando
north - norte
kitchen - cocina
knocking - golpes
lovely - encantador
dancing - bailando
drowning - ahogo
peaking - picos
sneaking - furtivo
mountains - montañas
there - ahí
places - lugares
tower - torre
daughter - hija
rapping - golpecitos
riding - equitación
singing - canto
rambling - trepador
rivers - ríos
roving - errabundo

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