I crossed the river
fell into the sea
where the non-believers
go beyond belief
then i scratched the surface
in the mouth of hell
running our of service
in the blood I fell
Well I, I just want to see the light
Well I, i don't want to lose my sight
Well I, I just want to see the light
Well I, need to know what's worth the fight
I've been wasted
pills and alcohol
worth - valor
whats - que es
water - agua
service - servicio
scratched - rayado
river - río
reaching - alcanzando
pills - pastillas
never - nunca
drank - bebió
chasing - persiguiendo
where - dónde
blood - sangre
surface - superficie
halls - pasillos
wasted - vano
desert - desierto
pavement - pavimento
fight - lucha
beyond - más allá
mouth - boca
alcohol - alcohol
flame - llama
sight - visión
belief - creencia
believers - creyentes
forever - siempre
found - encontró
crossed - cruzado
light - ligero
ground - suelo
hands - manos
running - corriendo
after - después
higher - mayor
hurricane - huracán
liars - mentirosos
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