Militant babies came to me

And told me, "Don't be afraid to try"

Phenomenal stunt kids in the streets

They're popping out of the black ghost pie

The fearless ones cracked up Jack and Jill

They're down there in the bunker still

You look like a sniper anyway

I'm not behind the fighter jet

wounded - herido
where - dónde
there - ahí
streets - calles
still - todavía
winning - victorioso
steps - pasos
sniper - francotirador
simple - sencillo
phenomenal - fenomenal
militant - militante
caught - atrapado
bunker - búnker
bleeds - sangra
behind - detrás
afraid - asustado
backyard - patio interior
anyway - de todas formas
think - pensar
things - cosas
fighter - combatiente
mercenary - mercenario
babies - criaturas
coming - viniendo
fantastically - fantásticamente
bravery - valentía
cracked - agrietado
rather - más bien
fearless - audaz
ghost - fantasma
leads - conduce
stunt - truco
glory - gloria
black - negro
gonna - va a
their - su
popping - estallar
grown - crecido
prophecies - profecías
lately - últimamente

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