Lend me the eyes of millennia

Align the rapid glimpse of lives in frames

Like fading photographs in ashes

In desperate seconds, closed in by the flames

Let me walk into their cities

When dust and sand has covered every trace

If love, of pain and liberty

A veil of ash and night across its face

I would cast a shadows over beacons

their - su
swarms - enjambres
stained - manchado
seconds - segundos
reverse - marcha atrás
rapid - rápido
photographs - fotografías
night - noche
millennia - milenios
living - vivo
civilizations - civilizaciones
closed - cerrado
shadows - oscuridad
across - a través de
blood - sangre
liberty - libertad
cities - ciudades
battlefields - campos de batalla
align - alinear
among - entre
glimpse - vislumbrar
ashes - despojos mortales
could - podría
covered - cubierto
desperate - desesperado
beacons - balizas
disperse - dispersar
echoes - ecos
every - jeder
trace - rastro
fading - desvanecimiento
ghosts - fantasmas
would - haría
lives - vive
flames - llamas
disoriented - desorientado
frames - marcos
freedom - libertad

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