I crawl through mud and secrecy

To reach the edge of sanity

And fall... through cleansing air

Clashing down into the sea

We - between the eagle and the snake

Beyond what is real and what is fake

Between the eagle and the snake

The walls come down

yearn - añorar
tranquil - tranquilo
through - mediante
sting - picadura
songs - canciones
shore - apuntalar
embrace - abrazo
eagle - águila
lovers - amantes
reach - alcanzar
clashing - choque
awaken - despertar
secrecy - secreto
cleansing - limpieza
between - entre
speak - hablar
beyond - más allá
again - de nuevo
walls - muros
fountain - fuente
sanity - cordura
affliction - aflicción
gifts - regalos
snake - serpiente
leaping - saltando
crawl - gatear
night - noche
liberation - liberación
louder - más fuerte
fountains - fuentes
lover - amante
profound - profundo

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