Spread out clean sheets

Get the mind ready for the deep sleep

Fade out the cold lights

Still, these linens feel like concrete

Drifting though closed eyes

Watching incapacities materialize

Like in the song, a prisoner

Of my own device

Another part of me could have been the unleashed

What would it be, how would it feel

If the ideals of self were real?

Is it a cure, or is it disease?

Would i know emptiness from peace?

would - haría
lights - luces
ideals - ideales
emptiness - vacío
heartless - cruel
raptures - extasis
drifting - deriva
apart - aparte
black - negro
clean - limpiar
linens - ropa de cama
dreams - sueños
could - podría
sheets - sábanas
angels - ángeles
ravenous - voraz
device - dispositivo
breathless - nápovědy na "plus" přidávají slova / fázi v učení
another - otro
concrete - hormigón
forever - siempre
circling - dando vueltas
materialize - materializar
watching - acecho
never - nunca
ashes - despojos mortales
these - estas
night - noche
peace - paz
ready - listo
crossroads - encrucijada
closed - cerrado
sleep - dormir
spread - untado
start - comienzo
still - todavía
fears - miedos
swirling - arremolinándose
disease - enfermedad
though - aunque
tracing - rastreo
scars - cicatrices
world - mundo
written - escrito
prisoner - prisionero
undead - no muertos
unleashed - soltado
where - dónde

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