Cat, blue piano

Are just some of the things I like

So the more that I see of them in my day

The better I sleep at night

Mom, (dad), Giles, (Lizzie), Juliet, (uncle James)

Are just some of the people I love

So the more of all them I can get in my day

The better I sleep at night

I can moonwalk, build castles, play ping pong

Talk to animals, hold my breath for a really long time

And tell the future

Are just six of the things I can do

And the more I can fit of these things in my day

The better I sleep at night

Ahhh, the betetr I sleep at night

Composer or maybe an astronaut

This is what I'm gonna be when I grow up

I know 'cause I sing out all through the day

I fly through space at night

The teasing, the fighting, the hospitals

I don't wanna go anymore

I put a brave face on, battle through the day

But I might cry myself to sleep

Pinch, pinch, punch, punch

Dancing round the car park after lunch

Copy cats, gold stars, cola cubes for good marks

Shy type, show off

Your mom’s got her masters, so what?

Swap stickers, best friends, knight rider

Whatcha tell the time again

within - dentro
window - ventana
uncle - tío
toughen - endurecer
toeing - toeing
thrown - tirado
through - mediante
these - estas
switch - cambiar
suddenly - repentinamente
stickers - pegatinas
stars - estrellas
space - espacio
something - alguna cosa
sleep - dormir
friends - amigos
would - haría
wanna - quiere
stumble - tropezón
kissing - besando
feels - siente
online - en línea
feeling - sensación
eating - comiendo
wouldn - wouldn
punch - puñetazo
dancing - bailando
things - cosas
knight - caballero
corridor - corredor
connect - conectar
cubes - cubitos
brave - valiente
finding - hallazgo
complain - quejar
clothes - ropa
teasing - burlas
juliet - julieta
better - mejor
popular - popular
again - de nuevo
awake - despierto
breath - aliento
choir - coro
blonde - rubia
there - ahí
heart - corazón
found - encontró
myself - mí mismo
animals - animales
battle - batalla
enough - Suficiente
classroom - aula
astronaut - astronauta
brother - hermano
might - podría
fighting - lucha
explain - explique
moonwalk - moonwalk
bright - brillante
somehow - de algun modo
anymore - nunca más
gazing - mirando
difference - diferencia
apart - aparte
cheese - queso
honing - afilar
really - de verdad
speak - hablar
doing - obra
sleeping - dormido
composer - compositor
build - construir
after - después
bread - pan de molde
offline - desconectado
giles - giles
castles - castillos
girls - chicas
whatcha - whatcha
piano - piano
going - yendo
children - niños
gonna - va a
future - futuro
great - estupendo
laugh - risa
hours - horas
light - ligero
hiding - ocultación
lunch - almuerzo
hospitals - hospitales
james - james
karate - kárate
together - juntos
lizzie - genoveva
marks - marcas
pinch - pellizco
masters - maestros
caught - atrapado

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