Looking out the corner of her eye
As she sits alone and drinks her wine
Every man just wants to pass her by
In hopes that he can catch her eye
That glow that’s in her eye
Gives you visions in your mind
She’s from another space and time
That’s when you’ll know you’re hypnotized
Her intoxicating will not be denied
And when you touch her glove
She then becomes your drug
You fall so deep in love with the girl
It’s too late, you’re hypnotized
She’s got Dorothy Dandridge eyes
And you love her, you love her, you love her, you love that girl
It’s too late, you’re hypnotized
She’s got Dorothy Dandridge eyes
And you love her, you love that girl
woman - Mujer
grace - gracia
hypnotized - hipnotizado
hopes - esperanzas
visions - visiones
wants - quiere
clouds - nubes
gives - da
falling - que cae
becomes - se convierte
glove - guante
mountains - montañas
every - jeder
monet - monet
dorothy - dorothy
distant - distante
moons - lunas
beauty - belleza
corner - esquina
another - otro
alone - solo
could - podría
smile - sonreír
catch - captura
touch - toque
denied - denegado
looking - mirando
white - blanco
black - negro
metal - metal
orange - [object Object]
petals - pétalos
stars - estrellas
picasso - picasso
intoxicating - embriagador
purple - púrpura
slowly - despacio
replicate - reproducir exactamente
shine - brillar
space - espacio
sunny - soleado
drinks - bebidas
studied - estudió
style - estilo
heaven - cielo
through - mediante
tongue - lengua
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