Muscled, black with steel-green eye

swishing through the rye grass

with thoughts of mouse-and-apple pie.

Tail balancing at half-mast.

...And the mouse police never sleeps ---

lying in the cherry tree.

Savage bed foot-warmer of purest feline ancestry.

Look out, little furry folk!

He's the all-night working cat.

working - trabajando
windy - ventoso
window - ventana
weathercock - veleta
warmer - más cálido
waiting - esperando
swishing -
steel - acero
savage - salvaje
purest - el más puro
police - policía
sleeps - duerme
others - otros
night - noche
registrar - registrador
never - nunca
through - mediante
claws - garras
mouse - ratón
ancestry - ascendencia
every - jeder
cherry - cereza
blooded - de pura sangre
crier - pregonero
patrol - patrulla
black - negro
birth - nacimiento
thoughts - pensamientos
cellar - bodega
lying - acostado
apple - manzana
feline - felino
climbing - alpinismo
balancing - equilibrio
death - muerte
furry - peludo
grass - césped
muscled - musculoso
green - verde
hungry - hambriento
leaves - hojas
little - pequeño
furrow - surco
licensed - con licencia

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