Iron-clad feather-feet pounding the dust

An October's day, towards evening

Sweat embossed veins standing proud to the plough

Salt on a deep chest seasoning

Last of the line at an honest day's toil

Turning the deep sod under

Flint at the fetlock, chasing the bone

Flies at the nostrils plunder.

The Suffolk, the Clydesdale, the Percheron vie

with the Shire on his feathers floating

Hauling soft timber into the dusk

to bed on a warm straw coating.

Heavy Horses, move the land under me

Behind the plough gliding --- slipping and sliding free

Now you're down to the few

And there's no work to do

The tractor's on its way.

Let me find you a filly for your proud stallion seed

to keep the old line going.

And we'll stand you abreast at the back of the wood

behind the young trees growing

To hide you from eyes that mock at your girth,

and your eighteen hands at the shoulder

And one day when the oil barons have all dripped dry

and the nights are seen to draw colder

They'll beg for your strength, your gentle power

your noble grace and your bearing

world - mundo
gliding - deslizamiento
seasoning - condimento
coming - viniendo
grace - gracia
eighteen - dieciocho
against - en contra
chained - encadenado
girth - circunferencia
flint - pedernal
flies - moscas
flash - destello
stiff - rígido
harness - aprovechar
filly - potra
feathers - plumas
facing - frente a
evening - noche
embossed - en relieve
sound - sonar
tumbling - cayendo
hauling - transportación
nights - noches
hands - manos
gulls - gaviotas
dripped - goteó
dying - moribundo
thrill - emoción
feather - pluma
brass - latón
strength - fuerza
sliding - corredizo
sleeping - dormido
thunder - trueno
oaken - de roble
going - yendo
clean - limpiar
chest - pecho
sweat - sudor
acres - hectáreas
brewing - fabricación de cerveza
abreast - de frente
leather - cuero
again - de nuevo
coating - revestimiento
plunder - saquear
turning - torneado
carpet - alfombra
chasing - persiguiendo
battle - batalla
horse - caballo
shoulder - hombro
growing - creciente
young - joven
standing - en pie
racing - carreras
floating - flotante
colder - más frío
tanks - tanques
timber - madera
bearing - cojinete
heavy - pesado
honest - honesto
under - debajo
gentle - amable
horses - caballos
wheel - rueda
living - vivo
strain - tensión
noble - noble
nostrils - fosas nasales
percheron - percherón
across - a través de
plough - arado
suffolk - suffolk
polished - pulido
pounding - golpeteo
power - poder
proud - orgulloso
quicken - acelerar
sharing - compartir
barons - barones
glistening - brillante
shire - condado
towards - hacia
slipping - corrimiento
clydesdale - clydesdale
stallion - semental
stand - estar
bring - traer
straw - paja
these - estas
towns - pueblos
behind - detrás
curry - curry
trees - árboles
weather - clima
veins - venas

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