The leaded window opened

To move the dancing candle flame

And the first moths of summer

Suicidal came,

Oohh - oohh suicidal came

And a new breeze chattered

In its May-bud tenderness

Sending water-lielies sailing

As she turned to get undressed

And the long night awakended

And we soared on powdered wings

Circling our tomorrows

In the wary month of spring

worship - rendir culto
window - ventana
weaving - tejeduría
undressed - sin curtir
turned - convertido
tomorrows - mañana
madness - locura
lemming - leming
higher - mayor
reflection - reflexión
burned - quemado
tenderness - sensibilidad
first - primero
moments - momentos
moths - polillas
slipping - corrimiento
butterfly - mariposa
before - antes de
magic - magia
dancing - bailando
soared - se disparó
spinning - hilado
summer - verano
dipping - inmersión
breeze - brisa
light - ligero
creatures - criaturas
haystack - almiar
through - mediante
candle - vela
flame - llama
grows - crece
chasing - persiguiendo
leaded - con plomo
circling - dando vueltas
month - mes
needle - aguja
lantern - linterna
never - nunca
flutter - aleteo
suicidal - suicida
water - agua
spring - primavera
night - noche
opened - abrió
powdered - en polvo
sailing - navegación
sending - enviando
wings - alas
shadow - sombra
golden - dorado
slide - diapositiva
stroking - acariciando
together - juntos

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