Unsatisfied need makes you push forward

Greed, striving for its reward

Like a racer on the mark, you burn your rubber

Like a starving shark looking for its supper

You run, run, run, run, run

Until it makes no sense

Your feet are sore but you're still running

For accomplishment

In this eternal marathon for success

Another day, another dollar, undying motto of success

Slowly to the top

Is it lonely on the top?

Is it lonely on the top?

Ah, tell me, is there anyone for you?

(For you, for you)

Is it lonely on the top?

Ah, tell me, is there anyone for you?

(For you, for you)

The lane is overcrowded

yourself - tú mismo
until - hasta
unsatisfied - insatisfecho
undying - eterno
there - ahí
still - todavía
falling - que cae
climb - escalada
sense - sentido
eternal - eterno
profit - lucro
defeated - derrotado
striving - esforzarse
crying - llorando
getting - consiguiendo
reward - recompensa
another - otro
afraid - asustado
greed - codicia
knees - rodillas
coffin - ataúd
track - pista
accomplishment - logro
racer - corredor
climbing - alpinismo
nobody - nadie
finish - terminar
begging - mendicidad
supper - cena
overcrowded - superpoblado
behind - detrás
while - mientras
success - éxito
anyone - nadie
aside - aparte
dollar - dólar
beside - junto a
tears - lágrimas
looking - mirando
leading - líder
lonely - solitario
longer - más
makes - hace
slowly - despacio
losers - perdedores
marathon - maratón
prize - premio
motto - lema
ribbon - cinta
rubber - caucho
running - corriendo
against - en contra
shark - tiburón
forward - adelante
starving - muriendo de hambre
started - empezado
surprise - sorpresa
rising - creciente
stepped - caminado

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