You and me we were the pretenders
We let it all slip away
In the end what you don't surrender
Well the world just strips away
Girl, ain't no kindness in the face of strangers
Ain't gonna find no miracles here
Well you can wait on your blesses my darlin'
But I got a deal for you right here
I ain't lookin' for praise or pity
I ain't comin' 'round searchin' for a crutch
I just want someone to talk to
And a little of that Human Touch
Just a little of that Human Touch
Ain't no mercy on the streets of this town
Ain't no bread from heavenly skies
Ain't nobody drawin' wine from this blood
world - mundo
train - tren
touchup - retoque
tonight - esta noche
surrender - rendición
streets - calles
think - pensar
something - alguna cosa
strips - tiras
skies - cielo
share - compartir
safety - la seguridad
right - derecho
riders - jinetes
remains - permanece
prize - premio
price - precio
blesses - bendice
comes - proviene
broken - roto
pretenders - pretendientes
crutch - muleta
bread - pan de molde
strangers - extraños
answers - respuestas
human - humano
blood - sangre
feeling - sensación
someone - alguien
somebody - alguien
bargain - negociar
kindness - amabilidad
mercy - misericordia
heavenly - celestial
touch - toque
paint - pintar
amount - cantidad
nobody - nadie
could - podría
little - pequeño
without - sin
might - podría
gonna - va a
miracles - milagros
praise - alabanza
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