Anger he smiles towering in shiny metallic purple armor
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground
Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted
They quietly understand
The once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready
But wonder why the fight is on
But they're all bold as love
Yeah, they're all bold as love
They're all bold as love
young - joven
wonder - preguntarse
ground - suelo
mellow - meloso
flashes - destellos
armor - armadura
first - primero
around - alrededor
giving - dando
daring - atrevido
waters - aguas
emotions - emociones
green - verde
anger - enfado
turquoise - turquesa
holding - participación
shiny - brillante
behind - detrás
fight - lucha
understand - entender
fiery - ardiente
euphoria - euforia
grassy - herboso
everything - todo
frightened - asustado
jealousy - celos
towering - imponente
yellow - amarillo
knows - sabe
purple - púrpura
rainbow - arco iris
metallic - metálico
opposite - opuesto
queen - reina
these - estas
ribbons - cintas
orange - [object Object]
confident - confidente
quietly - tranquilamente
ready - listo
smiles - sonrisas
granted - concedido
taken - tomado
armies - ejércitos
trophies - trofeos
trying - molesto
happy - contento
unsteady - inestable
waits - murga
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