The summer's over, this town is closing.

They're waving people out of the ocean.

We have the feeling like we were floating.

We never noticed where time was going.

Do you remember when we first got here?

The days were longer; the nights were hot here.

Now, it's September; the engine's started.

You're empty-handed and heavy-hearted.

But just remember on the way home (ooh ooh ooh)

That you were never meant to feel alone.

It takes a little while, but you'd be fine:

Another good time coming down the line.

while - mientras
where - dónde
waving - ondulación
unpack - deshacer
trust - confianza
started - empezado
small - pequeña
short - corto
often - a menudo
ocean - oceano
september - septiembre
noticed - notado
nobody - nadie
nights - noches
never - nunca
going - yendo
takes - toma
feeling - sensación
rented - alquilado
forever - siempre
remember - recuerda
first - primero
hating - odiando
closing - clausura
floating - flotante
alone - solo
another - otro
grass - césped
greener - verder
running - corriendo
meant - significado
yourself - tú mismo
swear - jurar
handed - entregó
waiting - esperando
coming - viniendo
hearted - corazón
heavy - pesado
empty - vacío
might - podría
people - gente
little - pequeño
makes - hace
heaven - cielo
longer - más

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