Faster than a bullet

Terrifying scream

Enraged and full of anger

He's half man and half machine

Rides the metal monster

Breathing smoke and fire

Closing in with vengeance soaring high

He is the painkiller

This is the painkiller

Planets devastated

Mankind's on its knees

A Saviour comes from out the skies

In answer to their pleas

wings - alas
thunder - trueno
through - mediante
thousand - mil
their - su
devastated - devastado
breathing - respiración
returns - devoluciones
stronger - más fuerte
under - debajo
armageddon - armagedón
forever - siempre
bullet - bala
answer - responder
blasting - voladura
faster - más rápido
grave - tumba
anger - enfado
brought - trajo
boiling - hirviendo
machine - máquina
closing - clausura
bolts - pernos
brave - valiente
flying - volador
evils - males
brighter - más brillante
metal - metal
mankind - humanidad
going - yendo
vengeance - venganza
knees - rodillas
chromium - cromo
nevermore - nunca más
planets - planetas
rides - paseos
smoke - fumar
comes - proviene
plated - chapado
wheels - ruedas
steel - acero
saviour - salvador
louder - más fuerte
pleas - ruegos
rapture - rapto
scream - gritar
skies - cielo
monster - monstruo
deadly - mortal
soaring - altísimo
clouds - nubes
terrifying - espantoso
enraged - enfurecido
survive - sobrevivir

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