
Ain't nobody prayin' for me

Ain't nobody prayin' for me

Ain't nobody prayin' for me

Ain't nobody prayin' for me

[Verse 1]

I feel like a chip on my shoulders

I feel like I'm losin' my focus

I feel like I'm losin' my patience

I feel like my thoughts in the basement

Feel like, I feel like you're miseducated

Feel like I don't wanna be bothered

I feel like you may be the problem

I feel like it ain't no tomorrow, fuck the world

The world is ending, I'm done pretendin'

And fuck you if you get offended

I feel like friends been overrated

I feel like the family been fakin'

I feel like the feelings are changin'

Feel like my daughter compromised and jaded

Feel like you wanna scrutinize how I made it

Feel like I ain't feelin' you all

Feel like removin' myself, no feelings involved

I feel for you, I've been in the field for you

It's real for you, right?

Shit, I feel like—


Ain't nobody prayin' for me

Ain't nobody prayin' for me

Ain't nobody prayin' for me

Ain't nobody prayin'

[Verse 2]

I feel niggas been out of pocket

whole - todo
whenever - cuando
watch - reloj
wanna - quiere
visits - visitas
verse - verso
token - simbólico
thoughts - pensamientos
though - aunque
subpoena - citación
streets - calles
sleep - dormir
shoulders - espalda
heartless - cruel
compromised - comprometida
haunts - frecuenta
graves - tumbas
gotta - tengo que
likeness - semejanza
focus - atención
fathers - padres
lesson - lección
family - familia
employed - empleado
pocket - bolsillo
freedom - libertad
dollars - dólares
problem - problema
desperate - desesperado
maybe - tal vez
world - mundo
served - servido
scrutinize - escudriñar
feelings - sentimientos
demons - demonios
apart - aparte
toxic - tóxico
awkward - torpe
dream - sueño
gossip - chisme
chorus - coro
friends - amigos
peasants - campesinos
learn - aprender
overrated - sobrevalorado
apocalypse - apocalipsis
tomorrow - mañana
jordan - jordán
church - iglesia
false - falso
scream - gritar
second - segundo
ending - finalizando
coffins - ataúdes
should - debería
pulpit - púlpito
poison - veneno
field - campo
enemy - enemigo
sponsors - patrocinadores
bothered - molesto
greatest - mayor
blogs - blogs
darkest - más oscuro
force - fuerza
debated - debatido
forms - formas
bondage - esclavitud
nobody - nadie
crackers - galletas
breathe - respirar
babies - criaturas
daughter - hija
hours - horas
imposters - impostores
myself - mí mismo
industry - industria
lawsuit - demanda judicial
banks - bancos
intro - intro
quarter - trimestre
internet - Internet
blacks - negros
promises - promesas
jaded - hastiado
compton - compton
legend - leyenda
offended - ofendido
logic - lógica
involved - involucrado
manipulated - manipulado
monsters - monstruos
prophets - profetas
music - música
mutual - mutuo
niggas - Niggas
often - a menudo
ounce - onza
outro - otro
patience - paciencia

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