
Got me breathing with dragons

I'll crack the egg in your basket, you bastard

I'm Marilyn Manson with magnums

Now just imagine the magic I like to ask is

Don't ask for your favorite rapper

(He dead) Yessir

(Amen) Chuuch

(He dead) I killed him

(Amen) bitch

[Verse 1:]

And this is rigamortis

And it's gorgeous when you die

Ali recorded and I'm Morpheus

The Matrix in my mind

I'm out the orbit

You an orphan and a hairdresser combined

I'm on the toilet when I rhyme

If you the shit then I decline

I climax when you begin

And then I end on Cloud 9

And that's important when you morph

Into an angel in the sky

And don't be forging all my signatures

My listeners reply and tell me

That you biting style

You got a hell of an appetite

And I'mma be here for a while

Just buckle up before the ride

Or knuckle up if you could fight

We always making them duck or die

A suit and tie is suitable and usual in suicide

CSI, just might investigate

This fucking parasite

(He dead)


[Verse 2:]

That's what they telling me

Aim it at your celebrity

wrestling - lucha
whistling - silbido
weeks - semanas
vicious - vicioso
usual - usual
toilet - baño
think - pensar
suitable - adecuado
suicide - suicidio
studio - estudio
sinners - pecadores
sinister - siniestro
signatures - firmas
salary - salario
residence - residencia
reply - respuesta
recipe - receta
really - de verdad
yessir - sí señor
voicemail - mensaje de voz
reaction - reacción
rapper - rapero
rapped - golpeado
especially - especialmente
assistance - asistencia
enough - Suficiente
gorgeous - maravilloso
demolition - demolición
favorite - favorito
faster - más rápido
crack - grieta
compete - competir
verse - verso
combined - conjunto
cloud - nube
chopper - helicóptero
before - antes de
fight - lucha
charged - cargado
casually - por casualidad
climax - clímax
catastrophe - catástrofe
could - podría
casper - casper
buckle - hebilla
ballistic - balístico
always - siempre
bitch - perra
recorded - grabado
everybody - todos
angel - ángel
under - debajo
solar - solar
appetite - apetito
orbit - orbita
creek - arroyo
knuckle - nudillo
getting - consiguiendo
making - fabricación
battery - batería
dragons - dragones
recognize - reconocer
leave - salir
casualty - víctima
begin - empezar
assassin - asesino
blasphemy - blasfemia
breaking - rotura
biting - mordaz
captured - capturado
decline - disminución
bible - [object Object]
cuter - más lindo
audacity - audacia
bigger - más grande
parasite - parásito
breathing - respiración
while - mientras
felony - delito
hairdresser - peluquero
forging - forja
fucking - maldito
fucks - folla
persistence - persistencia
hahaha - jajaja
celebrity - celebridad
marilyn - marilyn
hundreds - centenares
melody - melodía
orphan - huérfano
statistics - estadística
hypocrite - hipócrita
visit - visitar
important - importante
kendrick - Kendrick
imagine - imagina
putting - poniendo
investigate - investigar
listeners - oyentes
manson - manson

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