[Ashtro Bot]

We're far from good, not good from far

Ninety miles per hour down Compton Boulevard

with the top down screaming we don't give a fuck

Drink my forty ounce of freedom while I roll my blunt

cause the kids just ain't alright


Oh shit nigga, something bout to happen

Nigga, this shit, nigga, this sound like thirty ki's under the Compton court building

Hope the dogs don't smell it

[Kendrick Lamar]

Welcome to vigilante, eighties so don't you ask me

I'm hungry, my body's antsy, I rip through your fucking pantry

Peeling off like a Xanny, examine my orchestra

Granny said when I'm old enough, I'll be sure to be all I can be

You niggas Marcus Camby, washed up

Pussy fix your panties, I'm Mr. Marcus, you getting fucked, uh

You ain't heard nothing harder since Daddy Kane

Take it in vain, Vicodins couldn't ease the pain

Lightning bolts hit your body, you thought it rained

Not a cloud in sight, just the shit that I write

Strong enough to stand in front of a traveling freight train

Are you trained, to go against Dracula?

Dragging the record industry by my fangs

AK clips, money clips and gold chains

You walk around with a P-90 like it's the 90s

Bullet to your temple, you're homicidal, remind me, that

write - escribir
while - mientras
welcome - bienvenido
vigilante - vigilante
tripping - tropezar
traveling - de viaje
trained - entrenado
train - tren
through - mediante
thought - pensamiento
strong - fuerte
stolen - robado
stand - estar
squad - equipo
spend - gastar
sound - sonar
smell - oler
sight - visión
retrospect - retrospección
remember - recuerda
registration - registro
record - grabar
really - de verdad
reagan - reagan
rained - llovió
racist - racista
fight - lucha
eighties - años ochenta
heard - oído
interlude - interludio
detour - desvío
calendars - calendarios
examine - examinar
compton - compton
forty - cuarenta
driving - conducción
drive - manejar
daddy - papi
temple - templo
better - mejor
thirty - treinta
getting - consiguiendo
enough - Suficiente
december - diciembre
hydraulics - hidráulica
coming - viniendo
motherfuckers - hijos de puta
blunt - embotar
freedom - libertad
chorus - coro
boulevard - bulevar
alright - bien
bitch - perra
check - comprobar
cause - porque
nothing - nada
blowing - soplo
fangs - colmillos
chopper - helicóptero
children - niños
against - en contra
blowtorch - soplete
pantry - despensa
california - California
newborn - recién nacido
pussy - coño
dungeons - mazmorras
building - edificio
ronald - ronald
bullet - bala
there - ahí
raked - rastrillado
heart - corazón
cloud - nube
antsy - antsy
lightning - relámpago
kendrick - Kendrick
chains - cadenas
right - derecho
court - corte
hoping - esperando
lamar - lamar
copping - copping
freight - carga
drink - beber
around - alrededor
front - frente
stress - estrés
county - condado
fucked - jodido
clips - clips
homicidal - homicida
fucking - maldito
hottest - más caliente
gotta - tengo que
dracula - drácula
hopping - saltando
johnson - johnson
granny - abuelita
something - alguna cosa

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