Tears are shed, a shame

I should have known

I should have thought

I could have thought

Before I cast that stone

The waves radiate far and wide

There's a ringing in my ears

For a minute

I think I'm going blind

Tears are shed, a shame

I should have known

The crown weighs heavy

Heavy as I sit back in my throne

I say hey, it wasn't me

I'm just a pawn

But the devil's not into details

weighs - pesa
heavy - pesado
glory - gloria
great - estupendo
woken - despertado
everything - todo
blind - ciego
heroes - héroes
becomes - se convierte
details - detalles
overrun - invadir
going - yendo
clean - limpiar
earns - gana
sweep - barrer
destroying - destruyendo
before - antes de
where - dónde
delay - retrasar
built - construido
crown - corona
history - historia
could - podría
title - título
dates - fechas
hordes - hordas
invitation - invitación
known - conocido
making - fabricación
ringing - zumbido
hesitation - vacilación
minute - minuto
mothers - madres
throne - trono
mysteries - misterios
radiate - irradiar
dream - sueño
stone - piedra
should - debería
waiting - esperando
shame - vergüenza
special - especial
tears - lágrimas
string - cuerda
think - pensar
thought - pensamiento
waves - olas
unlearned - indocto
broken - roto
victor - víctor

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