They're marching

They're marching

They're marching into violence

They're killing

They're killing

They're killing for the tyrants

Forever born to kill, tools of warrior race

Bloodshed, torment everywhere

Collateral murder becomes their game

As the circle is closing

And the seeds have been sown

Words of glory unspoken

For the few, the proud, the broken

They're hateful, so hateful

A breed of liquidators

Psychotic, traumatic

When pride is all that matters

words - palabras
warrior - guerrero
unspoken - no hablado
tyrants - tiranos
turning - torneado
traumatic - traumático
torment - tormento
assault - asalto
glory - gloria
forever - siempre
dehumanized - deshumanizado
battle - batalla
broke - rompió
mourn - llorar
corpses - cadáveres
collateral - colateral
closing - clausura
bloodshed - matanza
circle - circulo
cause - porque
slaughter - sacrificio
matters - importa
allegiance - lealtad
violence - violencia
killing - asesinato
psychotic - psicópata
becomes - se convierte
broken - roto
indoctrinate - adoctrinar
marching - de marcha
hateful - odioso
senses - sentido
their - su
everywhere - en todos lados
devastation - devastación
heritage - patrimonio
proud - orgulloso
after - después
spirits - espíritu
wrecks - naufragios
tools - herramientas
leaders - líderes
lives - vive
manmade - artificial
breed - raza
march - marzo
forward - adelante
seeds - semillas
mental - mental
sworn - jurado
murder - asesinato
nation - nación
pride - orgullo
awoken - despertó
scream - gritar
dying - moribundo
struggle - lucha

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