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Lauren Christy - Rain traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Rain - Lauren Christy

palabras a estudiar

Rain coming down on my windowpane,

and I don't mind

Rain coming down on my windowpane,

and I don't mind

And a million umbrellas are reaching for the sky

Nothing's gonna get me down,

nothing's gonna get me down

Rain coming down on my windowpane,

and I don't mind

And he doesn't even recall my name,

but I don't mind

When the midnight cinderellas are wishing they were dry, so I am

Nothing's gonna get me down,

nothing's gonna get me down

Well I'm gonna waltz to the river

Watch the rain coming down, oh no

Well I'm gonna waltz to the river

Watch the rain coming down,

And he'll never now I'm here

On this earth, at this place, at this time

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